Presentation Guru Is Now Live - Presentation Industry Happenings

Presentation Guru Is Now Live

Created: Thursday, June 2, 2016, posted by Sapphire Indezine at 4:19 pm

Presentation Guru is for all presentation professionals. For designers, presenters, coaches, leaders and for everyone who is driven make their words as powerful as possible. It’s really hard for busy people to keep up with everything that’s new in our world, technology, software, thinking, tools, and we’ve created to help people do that all in one place.

Presentation-GuruContact Person: Jared Senseman – Commissioning Editor
Presentation Guru
The Old Barns, Oundle, Peterborough, PE84BS
United Kingdom

London, UK: Jim Harvey has teamed up with John Zimmer and Emma Bannister to create Presentation Guru, a new digital global magazine geared toward presenters, and presentation designers. It’s now live as of June 1st, 2016.

Presentation Guru is a community for professionals in the world of presentation to share ideas and stay up-to-date on the ever-changing world of presentation and design.

They pride themselves on providing content that is rigorously edited and maintains a quality of the highest caliber. They’re currently featuring the voices of top experts in the industry, including Nancy Duarte, Rob Kawalsky, Nigel Barlow, Nick Morgan, and Geetesh Bajaj.

Excited for the launch of! And proud to be the first to answer the Guru’s Big 5 Questions

Nancy Duarte

Presentation Guru Site

About Presentation Guru

Presentation Guru was dreamed up and willed into existence by Jim Harvey (The Message Business) and couldn’t have been done without the help of Emma Bannister (Presentation Studio) and John Zimmer (Manner of Speaking). Their commissioning editor, Jared Senseman, may have had a hand in it as well. If you’d like to contribute to the site, or have any general questions/comments, please feel free to

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